Thursday, December 17, 2015

Class Notes 12/17

Today in class we worked on randomness and did some examples from the book.

Homework due Monday 12/21: Investigative Task ESP.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Class Notes 12/15

Today in class we started Chapter 11 (Understanding Randomness).

Homework due 12/17: Read Chapter 11.Do problems #11,13,15,17,19,35 on Page 265.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Class Notes 12/11

Today in class we worked more on chapter 10. The only way this chapter will make sense is to keep looking at examples and practicing. The more scatter plots you look at that are not straight, the easier this section will become. For instance if you look at a scatter plot that has an exponential curve, we want to log all the y-data in order to straighten the curve. The more examples you actually try the easier it will be for you to identify which operation you need to do to your original scatter plot.

Homework Due 12/15: Alligator Task

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Class Notes 12/9

Today in class we started covering Chapter 10, re-expressing the data. In this chapter we learn that not all data is a linear model and even if it is sometimes the residual plot shows a pattern (the today's in class example) if that's the case we have to re-express the data.

Today was a little more complicated than anticipated and because of that I have decided to push back the investigative task (Alligators) until Tuesday 12/15.

Your new homework due Friday 12/11: page 242 #17

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Class Notes 12/8

Today in class we finished up Chapter 9 of the text book by doing more problems from the book.

Homework due 12/9: Read Chapter 10 - Re-expressing the Data. This is an important to read before we go over it in class.

Due Friday 12/11: Investigative Task Alligators.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Class Notes 12/3

Today we went over Chapter 9, Regression Wisdom. After the brief intro to regression wisdom we had an in class assignment.

Homework Due 12/7: Investigate Task Olympic Long Jump.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Class Notes 12/1

Today was a review day, as we got back into the swing of linear regression. You were asked to finish your investigative task, and complete a few handouts in class.

Homework Due 12/3: Read pages 201-210

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Class Notes 11/18

Today in class we reviewed for the linear model quiz that will be on Friday. I also pushed back the due date on the IT talk (smoking vs CHD) to our first class after break. You can still turn it in on Friday if you want.

Homework: Study for linear model quiz.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Class Notes 11/16

Today in class we finished working on the example that we start last week in class. We then expanded on the example and looked at linear regression or "best fit line". We also completed a worksheet deal with the topic.

Homework Due 11/18: pg. 192 1-13 odd, 21, 27-31 odd, 37,41.

There will be a quiz on Friday covering chapter 7 and 8, don't wait til Friday to ask questions.

Also due Friday 11/20: Investigative Task (smoking)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Class notes 11/12

Today in class we went over the assigned homework. Again chapter 7 was about what kind of information can we get out of a scatterplot. We can tell things like the association of two quantitative variables (positive or negative), is the association strong, moderate or weak and other things.

After we went over the homework the class completed a handout again looking at scatterplots and seeing what kind of information you could get from it.

When the handout was completed we briefly took notes on the beginnings of Chapter 8. In this chapter we are now going to take the information we learned in Chapter 7 and use mathematical equations to help us find more information on the data we are looking.

For homework due 11/16: Read Chapter 8.

Class Notes 11/9

In Class on Monday we went over the intro of Scatterplots, which is a display that compares to quantitative variables.

For homework due 11/12 pg. 166 #9-17 odd, 25, 35.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Class Notes 11/5

Today in class we went over some of the questions from the homework that was due, and then we spent the rest of class doing more z-score/percentile problems. If you are still have trouble with these problems come see me during free time or after school. We are moving on to Chapter 7 Monday.

Homework Due 11/9: Read the rest of Chapter 7, then pg. 164 #1-7

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Class Notes 11/3

Today in class we worked more on z-scores and what we can get from them. We worked on some examples that had to do with trying to find percentiles, and then we also looked at some examples where we knew the percentile and we had to work our way backward using the InvNorm function on our calculator.

Homework due 11/3: Page 132 # 39-47 odd, and read the beginning of chapter 7 (scatterplots)

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Class Notes 10/30

Happy Halloween everyone.

In class we worked on Normal Percentiles and how we use z-scores to figure out the percentiles.

Homework due Tuesday 11/2: page 129 # 5-17 0dd, #25-29 Odd, and #37

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Class Notes 10/28

Today in class I handed out your next assignment, which is the car safety investigative task. After that we did a quick group activity dealing box plots and comparing multiple box plots. After that we spent the rest of class going over z-scores and the normal model (which is a very important topic in statistics). We also went over the 68-95-99.7 Rule which you need to know going forward.

Homework Due Friday (10/30): Car Safety Investigative Task

Monday, October 26, 2015

Class Notes 10/26

Today in class we went over the corrected homework that was turned in last week. We went over the quiz (which went well for the entire class), and then we spent the rest of class going over z-scores. A new concept from Chapter 6, that will play a larger role in Stats as we go forward. We went over the packets that you all completed while I was away at my teacher conference. While most of it was repetitive, it's good practice especially with a topic that we had yet to cover in class.

For Homework Due 10/28: Finish reading Chapter 6.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Class Notes 10/16

Today in class we went over the Homework that was due today, and then we went over more examples in class dealing with describing distributions.

Remember we have our quiz on Tuesday.

Homework: Get ready for quiz. pg. 95 #5-15 odd. Start reading Chapter 6 (pg. 104-107)

Enjoy the weekend.

Mr. Schroth

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Class Notes 10/4

Today in class we spent more time covering box plots and understanding the information that you can get from a box plot. We looked at a few different examples. We also looked at the formula for an outlier and an extreme outlier.

For Homework, Due 10/16: Read Chapter 5, page 99 # 26-29, and #34.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Class Notes 10/8

Because my voice was still not back to 100% today, in class I finished covering the symmetric distribution discussion and showed the class how to draw box plots, how to draw multiple ones at the same time so you can compare them and I also showed you how to do them on the calculator.

I also announced that there will be no quiz next week. We are getting close to a quiz but there are a few more things I'd like to cover before I give you a quiz.  Because there is now quiz next week I changed the due date of the investigative task.

Homework due 10/14: Investigative Task (Spending on Education)

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Schroth

Thursday, October 8, 2015

class notes 10/7

In class we went over some more examples on how to find Q1 and Q3. We also looked at symmetric distribution and how the mean and standard deviation is best suited for distribution.

HW: I extended the previous assignment to Friday, because we had yet to go over standard deviation and the homework dealt with that.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Class Notes 10/5

Today in class we worked more with summarizing quantitative data and more specifically we went over the IQR and how to find the quartiles (Q1 and Q3). There was some confusion on how to find these quartiles and the book even goes as far as to tell us there are many ways to figure it out. On Wednesday I will go over this and hopefully clear up any confusion that is left. We also looked at a bunch of dot plots and tried to compare three at a time and make some observations based on what we were looking at. It's important to be able to make observations when looking at data (i.e. the 5 Number Summary).

Homework due 10/7 pg. 73-75 7-11 odd, 14, 15-29 odd.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Class Notes 9/29

Today in class we went over the Investigative Talk #1. I gave you feedback on the good points and the not so good points. Remember that this was the first assignment of the sort, and there will be more to come so that you all can practice answering questions the way the AP exam expects you to answer the questions. After that we went over the reading and talked about how one would describe quantitative data displays (histograms, stem-and leaf plots).

Homework (Due 10/5): Finish reading chapter 4.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Class Notes 9/25

Today in class we went over the quiz, and after the quiz we started going over chapter 4. Which introduces us to Quantitative Data and the different displays we can use in order to analyze data.

For Homework:
Read from chapter 4 pages 50-58.

Have a good weekend,

Mr. Schroth

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Class notes 9/22

Today in class we went over the latest homework that was graded and handed back and we also went over last classes group work to give the students more prep time for their quiz that was taken at the end of class. We also did a brief intro into independence which will be discussed in more depth as the year goes on.

Homework due Friday 9/25:
Please read Chapter 4 (pages 44-50).

Mr. Schroth

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Class Notes 9/18

Today we went over the summer packet and the first graded assignment which the class did a good job on overall. We also did some group work that went over conditional and marginal distribution to get you ready for the quiz on Tuesday. Also we briefly went over the Investigative Task #1 and what is expected on the assignment.

Quiz Tuesday (Chapter 1-3)
Investigate Task #1

Have a good weekend,
Mr. Schroth

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Class Notes 9/16

In class we went over the rest of the students reading that was due for the day and we took a  look at some more display techniques, such as segmented bar charts. We also took a look at marginal distribution and how to set up those tables and what kind of displays can be used out of these tables. Also we made connections on what type of conclusions you can make when looking at certain displays.

Homework due 9/18 pg 40-43 #21-35 odd.

Due Next Tuesday: Investigative Task #1. Also our first quiz will be this same Tuesday.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Class notes 9/11

Today the class went over the summer packets and then we started going over the reading that was assigned from the first class. As a class we then filled out a chart that listed certain characteristics of each one of us in class, including myself. We then took the data that we collected and we formed bar charts, pie charts, relative frequency bar charts, histograms. We then made observations based off what the displays/pictures gave us. The purpose of this exercise was to show the students that making pictures of the data will help you make observations of said data. It can be very hard just looking at table full of data and then make an observation based off what you see, so it becomes very important to be able to draw an accurate picture of the data you are looking at.

The homework which is due Wednesday 9/15 is:
Signed AP contract.
Finished reading chapter 3 (24-36)
Do problems 5-15 odd (pg 38-39).

See you all next class,
Mr. Schroth

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

AP STATS 1st Day.

Today was the first day of AP stats and I really enjoyed meeting the students (what a big class compared to my others). We did typical first day stuff. I introduced myself to the class and had each student share one thing about themselves so I can try to get to know each one of you better as the year goes on. We went over the syllabus and had a nice discussion about what I expect from you as AP students. We also went over some of the summer packet with the last few moments of class.

AP classes are no joke and it will take hard work, but I am here to help you all succeed in this course and of course in your AP exam. I think we will have a fun year together.

For Homework:

Hand in Summer Packet
Hand in signed syllabus
Read the beginning of CH. 3 (pages 20-24)

See you all 1st thing Friday morning. I hope you are all as lively Friday morning as you were today.

Mr. Schroth

Download the AP Stats Sllyabus